Success is Subjective: Real People. Raw Stories. Embracing a Non-Linear Life!
Interviews of people who took a break from life at one point or another to get help, grow up, or just to reassess their life direction. Some guests struggled with depression, anxiety, substance abuse, a death in the family, or just decided college was not the place for them. These stories are all-to-real, and yet we don't talk enough about how common it is for those who took a gap year to defer college, went to college and took a break, or those who struggled launching into the workforce post-college graduation. This goes out to all the young adults and parents of young adults who are struggling and contemplating what will happen if they walk away right now.
Success is Subjective: Real People. Raw Stories. Embracing a Non-Linear Life!
Episode 278: Self-Compassion, Mental Health and the Moving Target of Success from a Psychologist's Perspective w/ Dr. Ruth Viehoff
Today’s episode of Success is Subjective features a conversation with Joanna and Dr. Ruth Viehoff, a licensed clinical psychologist. Through her own personal story, Dr. Viehoff has known what it’s like to struggle with mental health issues, especially as a teen and young adult. Now as a practitioner who works with young people, she is able to relate to and inspire her clients in a meaningful way. Dr. Viehoff discusses topics such as the challenges that can come from ADHD and perfectionism, and she also addresses the duality of helpful and sometimes limiting, that can exist within any diagnosis. She emphasizes the significance of self-compassion as each individual faces the peaks and valleys of life, while also highlighting the power of self-awareness during stressful and uncomfortable situations. For any young person struggling with mental health, or those who simply want to grow in self-awareness, this episode will surely be enlightening and hopeful.
Dr. Viehoff’s Resources:
Email: ruth@drruthviehoff.com
Connect with Joanna Lilley
Therapeutic Consulting Association
Lilley Consulting on YouTube
Email joanna@lilleyconsulting.com
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